The Mission of the
Sigma Chi Omicron Omicron Foundation

We promote the interests of undergraduate and alumni brothers of the Sigma Chi Omicron Omicron Chapter at the University of Chicago. For undergrads, we offer scholarships and coordinate mentorship. For alumni, we organize programming and events to help us stay connected to each other and the undergraduate Chapter.

We serve this mission as an independent,
Chapter-focused 501(c)3


The Sigma Chi Omicron Omicron Foundation operates independently of the international fraternity, and with the interests of the Chapter’s alumni and undergraduate brothers as our first and only concern. This independence allows us to remain focused on the local spirit and interests of the Chapter, while remaining committed to the high ideals of our international organization.

Our 501(c)3 status, which recognizes the scholastic aims of SCOOF, means your support is tax-deductible.

The Board of Trustees

Members serve terms of three years, renewable for up to three consecutive terms.

Michael Weller,
VP at Large

Clay Nickens,

Patrick Taylor,
VP of Undergraduate Relations

Travis Dietz,

Zack Fountas,
VP of Alumni Relations